Dazzle did FANTASTIC at the show today! Apparently I need more work, but HE did great! LOL His score was an 85 (out of 100 possible points), but 10 of those points were deducted because I had him adjust his sit after he went to heel position. If I had left him crooked, it would have only been 1 point off. Live and learn! He didn't want to lie down at one of the signs, so that was the other 5 points off, though he eventually did down. If I hadn't adjusted his sit, he would have had a 95 and second place.
Instead he got 4th place out of 7 Novice A dogs and I'm pleased as punch!! We had fun today and that was the goal. One of the dogs, a little Pom, got a 99! Kim ran the video camera for me and other than some zoom issues, did a great job. Thanks Kim! She also filmed the awards, but I just trimmed it to show our award. :-) I know I have the wrong date on the intro, but I realized it after I had finished it and didn't want to bother with re-doing the whole thing to correct it. It's only 1 day off, so close enough :-)
.I did not, however, spend the night prior to the show as I had planned. About 10pm Coyote went after Dazzle for starting to play with Buster, or maybe he was near a Nylabone, I'm not completely sure. It was over pretty quick and Dazzle was mostly just trying to get away from Coyote (a good sign that he's gotten some respect for him) BUT Dazzle did end up with a puncture on his face. I was SO mad and upset. Coyote was put in a crate and I took Dazzle to the ER. Rather than shaving his face and making it completely obvious with a stitch or two, the vet was able to flush it out and use tissue glue to close it. It had been staying closed, so there wasn't much force working against the glue and it has worked perfectly. After that was done, you couldn't even tell there was an injury. However, by the time we got home it was starting to swell (that's when I took the photo below.) I held ice in a towel on it for awhile, but he does resemble a bit of a hampster with one cheek full at the moment. Poor guy. He never once, even right after it happened, bothered the wound.
As a result, Coyote is going into the crate right before I come home (an exciting time for the dogs) and when Dazzle starts playing with Bear or Buster or any other time of high excitement. I'm praising him when he chooses not to act stupid, but if he looks at Dazzle wrong, I interupt and either a muzzle goes on or he goes in a crate. Dazzle has a LOT more respect for Coyote and is giving him a wide berth, so I think as long as Coyote is managed, they will be fine. I don't think the injury was due to a hard bite or on purpose, I think it was just a tooth hitting thinner skin. But it didn't even bleed. He's on antibiotics till next Saturday.
On a lighter note, here's video of the boys playing in the snow set to music (a 5th of Beethoven and Axel F.) It was taken on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hard to believe this was just earlier this week. It was in the 50's today and yesterday, so almost all but the deepest snow is gone- YEA!!! I wish it would STAY warmer, but since it's only Feb., I'm guessing that won't happen. :-( They are predicting a "winter mix" for Friday when I need to drive to Indy for that show. Maybe I will be getting a room in Indy after all? Hopefully I don't need to do that.