November 10, 2010

Busy day!

It was too nice of a day to spend inside, so Dazzle and I went to the park where he pulled me on the bike.  After the ride, I found a shady spot on a slight hill where I sat to throw his ball for him with the chuck-it.  I had planned to let him rest till agility practice, but the neighbor decided to do some target shooting.  So I took advantage of the gun shots and got out the bite sleeve.  Each time he fired (about once every 30-60 seconds) Dazzle got to bite the sleeve.  We were both tired by the time the guy called it quits.

Daz took a short nap before dinner, then we went to agility practice where he and Sarah had 2 nice runs on a difficult course.  He needs a bit of work on obstacle descrimination, but his jump bars are staying up now!  All the work we put in with the cavaletti and jump exercises is paying off!  He did a good job on his contacts too. I forgot to take the video camera, but Dazzle did both runs with me completely outside the ring gate.  He looked my way a few times to make sure I wasn't going to run off, but went right back to work.  I think he's learning the routine now.